Sunday, October 4, 2009

chapter 3
This image is a portrait of what the Western culture desires its women to look like. This does not apply to all, but for purpose of this assignment, this is the desire of the entire Western culture. A beautiful young lady with radiant hair and smooth skin. The product in the advertisement is for wrinkle reduction, but come on, do we really believe that this young woman is in need of this product, or are we gullible enough to believe that the image is of a 60 year old woman who has apparently been using this Avon product. In my opinion, this ad attacks the desires of the woman to want to look young and feel as beautiful as the young lady in the photo. It is a passion for (some, not all) women to look beautiful, for whatever reason they have going on in their minds. Some feel that if they look younger, then they can get the man of their dreams, or perhaps a better job. I personally feel that a woman’s brain is much more important than her looks, so I don’t fall prey to these advertisements.,10,October%204th%20-%20October%2010th,10/4%20-%2010/10 Wow, what more can we possibly want for our kids? Here we have a (obvious because of the wedding ring) married woman who is getting ready to give “Timmy” a birthday party to remember. Of course we all want this for our children. The family is preparing for a large party, plenty of goodies for everyone. As a parent we always want to provide for our children, not only the basic needs,

but it always makes us feel good when we can give them the extras. Sure, their world won’t come to an end if the child doesn’t get a $400.00 birthday party, but dear ole mom and dad might feel terribly guilty if they can’t afford to host an event worthy of their precious little one. Wal-Mart promotes its store as providing needs for everyday life, necessities that are readily available as close as your local store.

Ah, an American icon of super duper cleaning products! Who better to push our wants and needs of a clean house better than Billy Mays? Come on folks, you too can get your toilet sparkling clean with this product. Forget scrubbing in that bacteria infested cesspool, just drop one tablet in your tank and presto, job is done for you. Time to can that old toilet brush for good! Surely it must be the American dream to have a sparkling clean toilet: one your friends will be envious of and rush right out to order/purchase this product for themselves. .

Ok guys, I am to tired to figure out how to post the images with the story..maybe I'll post them later..I know where I goofed up, but I am way to tired to redo this..give me a horse, I know what to do with a horse, but this computer stuff kicks my butt!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

photo hunt..

Ok , I really had a hard time with this one. I am a photographer, desiring to be a photojournalist and when I look for a photo that jumps out at me to make me read the story, well, that was a challenge to me. Maybe I just don't care for the bull crap news, don't really have time for it actually. I want a photo that tells a story, few words are needed and maybe I wasn't looking in the right spot, or maybe the news journals need better photographer...haha..anyway, this photo did get my attention because it relates to numerous bus vs cars accidents. Quite frankly, they have all been serious accidents, come on folks, how do you hit a school bus?? I watched the news last week and there were stories about 2 bus vs car accidents, both with deaths to the car driver and passenger. This image clearly shows the seriousness off the accident...yet, ANOTHER bus vs. car accident. To me, knowing the past history of the bus incidences, raises my thoughts of what is going on with the bus transportation department? New drivers? Not enough drivers? Drivers with poor driving records? What is going on? I have a child in public school and she rides a bus. Do I need to worry about my child's safety?

Monday, September 21, 2009

powerful image

She was only 12 years old and at a anti-war demonstration, in Greenville, South Carolina, with her parents. I can't help but to wonder if she really understood everything that the grownups were yelling about. Sure, the poster appears to be the work of a child her age; therefor I am lead to believe that she is actually the artist. But what does she really know of the war? Has she been exposed to information that is beyond her capability to understand and base her own opinion on the situation? Should children be exposed to the gruesome facts of wars? Was she there to please her parents, who, by the way, are very much against any war. I often wonder if children who are intentionally brought into adult situations like this eventually develop coping problems later on in life. As a mother, I do not think I can subject my children to such an unpredictable event as an anti-war demonstration. This demonstration did not go over without an eruption of violence. Several passersby did yell and throw items at the demonstrators. Of course there was retaliation and before long 911 dispatchers were overwhelmed with calls from cell phones. ( So much for their" peaceful"existence ) How quickly can a 12 year old get caught up in a shuffle of 1,200 angry adults?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

weak news story

Why is this brawl any more news worthy than any of the others? Perhaps because Richard Faust is the Cottonwood Community Services General Manager and the former Parks and Recreation director? Is that what made the story? I don't get into this sort of stuff at all. We are all human and react accordingly and I personally did not see the point of this article, unless, as I stated, the fact of Mr. Faust's position with the city. I don't usually get into reading this wort of article. This information is not going to affect my life one way or the other.

Strong news story

Geez, I hope I got this right..I can be technically challenged when I get into this suff...anyway, my thoughts on this article....

For me, as a business owner and an employee in another job, this is interesting article. I am not capable of hiring an employee to help me with my business at this time. My business depends on tourist to keep it afloat, and we all know what that is like right now. My business is also new to Sedona, and not knowing how this crappy economy will unfold has me a bit worried. I offer a service that is not a necessity, you can take it or leave it and either way, you will survive . On the OTHER hand, I still work an evening job to support myself and 2 children, so this article gives me a slight heads up on how Yavapai county "appears" to be holding up. Why do I say "appears"? The article indicates that the Arizona Department of Commerce is not sure the exact number of people out of work due to the economy or choice. As stated, this is the time of year for students to be returning to school so they are reporting as unemployed, but that is by choice. ( hmmm...wonder how I can pull that off..go to school, but not work..) It is apparent that the number of unemployed citizens is steady though, based on the number of claims for unemployment. The reason this is of concern to me, unemployed individuals do not spend money on the type of service that I offer in Sedona. I offer horse drawn carriage rides in Sedona. Most of my customers are tourist, but I also have quite a few locals that drop by to ride with me as well. Another thought on it is the fact that we, as a nation, is facing a growing number of unemployed worker, due to the economy, and not by choice.

Monday, August 31, 2009